ʾAqāwīl al-ṭiqāt fī taʾwīl al-ʾasmāʾ wa-l-ṣifāt wa-l-ʾāyāt al-muḥkamāt wa-l-muštabihāt

تناول المؤلف في هذه الرسالة مسألة المتشابه من الصفات والأسماء التي وقع الاختلاف فيها قديمًا ما بين مفوِّض ومؤوّل، وفي عصر المؤلف، والخلاف فيها لم ينته، وربما جرّ الخلاف إلى ما هو آفة الآفات، وهي الفُر تناول المؤلف في هذه الرسالة مسألة المتشابه من الصفات والأسماء التي وقع الاختلاف فيها قديمًا ما بين مفوِّض ومؤوّل، وفي عصر المؤلف، والخلاف فيها لم ينته، وربما جرّ الخلاف إلى ما هو آفة الآفات، وهي الفُرقة والطعن في اعتقاد الناس بعضهم في بعض. وقد أراد المصنف أن يجمع أقوال الأئمة من الثقات في هذه المسألة بدءًا من الخلاف المشهور في تأويل قوله تعالى "وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله والراسخون في العلم ".

Single work Early work
Ǧumādā II 1032 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 7

تحقيق التفسير في تكثير التنوير

Single work Early work
723 Hegirian

Relationships with other works 5

تفسير سورة الملك

This is a part of the author’s full interpretation of Qurʾān. He adopted the school of Tafsīr by opinion which is arrived through personal reflection or independent rational thinking), amongst are al This is a part of the author’s full interpretation of Qurʾān. He adopted the school of Tafsīr by opinion which is arrived through personal reflection or independent rational thinking), amongst are al-Zamaẖṣarī, al-Bayḍāwī and al-Nasafī. Morphology, eloquence, syntax and theology are an integral part of tafsīr by opinion. In his Tafsīr, he has different views from other mufassirīn, however, his book is rather inclusive containing all doctrine aspects in addition to al-Aṯar.The book highly focused on Rhetoric Sciences: such as epanodos, anastrophe, reversed from origin, concept of composing.. The author guides the reader to understand each surā with either brevity or detailed elaboration. First: he begins with vocabulary meaning with some word formation explaining ambiguous words and related merits. When verse definition is complete, he starts a wide broad explanation stating all sayings upon sole issue whether discussing and commenting or not. As for deduction, he mentions prophetic traditions, Qurʾān recitations, poetry..

Single work Early work
not after 940 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 6

غرائب القرآن ورغائب الفرقان

Single work Early work
828? Hegirian

Editions 5 Translations 1

Relationships with other works 5