Text printing
The queen was actually a man : Arwā bint Aḥmad and the politics of religion
Samer Traboulsi
Contained in
Serial (periodical)

Arabica : Revue d’études arabes et islamiques = Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies / fondée par E. Lévi-Provençal, Mohamed Arkoun ; et publiée avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique de France

50 (2003) 1
13 pages

Text : unmediated

The queen was actually a man : Arwā bint Aḥmad and the politics of religion / Samer Traboulsi. — [S.l] : [s.n.], 2003. — [96-108] pp.

Area 0
Content form and media type
Text : unmediated
Area 1
Title and statement of responsibility

The queen was actually a man : Arwā bint Aḥmad and the politics of religion / Samer Traboulsi

Area 5
Material description

[96-108] pp.

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Hard copy
Call number
41-62   50 (2003) 1