Arabism and Islam Arab and Islamic philosophy Islamic philosophy in the Latin medieval West 22

بيروت : الشبكة العربية للأبحاث والنشر ; 2014

Monograph Printed

فلسفة العصر الوسيط

الآن دي ليبيرا, ترجمة مصطفى ماهر

القاهرة : دار الشرقيات للنشر والتوزيع : المركز الفرنسي للثقافة والتعاون العلمي ، قسم الترجمة والنشر, 1999

Monograph Printed

Wissen über Grenzen : Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter

Herausgegeben von Andreas Speer und Lydia Wegener

Berlin ; New York City : Walter de Gruyter, 2006

Monograph Printed

La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Âge

Marie-Thérèse d'Alverny, Edited by Charles Burnett

London : Variorum Reprints, 1994

Monograph Printed

Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1990

Monograph Printed

Louvain : Presses Universitaires de Louvain ; Paris : Béatrice-Nauwelaerts, 1965

Monograph Printed

Paris : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1995

Monograph Printed

Paris : Édition Payot, 1947

Monograph Printed

Beyrouth : [s.n.]

Monograph Printed

Liber de unitate et uno

Domingo Gundisalvo, textos y estudios por Manuel Alonso Alonso

Madrid : [s.n.], 1956-1957

Monograph Printed

Padova : Antenore, 1964

Monograph Printed

Madrid : Casa hispano-arabe, 1969

Monograph Printed

Errores philosophorum

Giles of Rome, critical Text with Notes and Introduction by Josef Koch ; English Translation by John Riedl

Milkwaukee : Marquette University Press, 1944

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Rome : Presses de l'Université grégorienne, 1932

Monograph Printed

Rome : Presses de l'Université grégorienne, 1933

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Wien : Wilhelm Braumüller, 1982

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The Book of Causes

Translated from the Latin with an Introduction by Dennis J. Brand

New York City : Niagara University Press, [1981?]

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Granada : [s.n.], 1957

Monograph Printed

Paris : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2015

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Washington : Georgetown University. Center for contemporary arab studies, 1988

Monograph Printed

Beyrouth : American University of Beirut (A. U. B.), 1962

Monograph Printed