Works by Pérennès, Jean Jacques, 1949‒ as author 69

Algérie 89 : le défi de la démocratie

Single work Monograph
1989? Gregorian

Editions 1

Bénin : "un engagement pour le meilleur"

Single work Monograph
1995? Gregorian

Editions 1

Bibliographie de Serge de Beaurecueil

Single work Article
2008 Gregorian

Editions 1

Bishop Pierre Claverie - assassinated for his faith

Single work Monograph
2002? Gregorian

Editions 1

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran (5 avril 1943-5 juillet 2018)

Single work Article
2019 Gregorian

Editions 1

Chrétiens en Algérie, le sens de nos rencontres

Single work Monograph
1995? Gregorian

Editions 1

Démocratie et développement au Sud

Single work Monograph
1991? Gregorian

Editions 1

Dr Ḥamdī Zaqzūq (27 décembre 1933-1er avril 2020)

Single work Article
2021 Gregorian

Editions 1

L'eau et les hommes au Maghreb

Single work Monograph
1993 Gregorian

Editions 1

Les écoles de langues au début de l'ordre dominicain

Single work Article
2015 Gregorian

Editions 1

Économie et éthique : un divorce contemporain de la modernité

Single work Monograph
1995? Gregorian

Editions 1

Essai de typologie des irrigations au Maghreb

Single work Monograph
1993? Gregorian

Editions 1

L'expérience marocaine des aménagements hydro-agricoles

Single work Monograph
1989? Gregorian

Editions 1

Frère Pierre Claverie OP : témoin de la foi au XXe siècle

Single work Article
2016 Gregorian

Translations 1

Georges Anawati

Single work Monograph
2008 Gregorian

Editions 1 Translations 1

L'homme qui changea notre regard sur l'islam

Single work Monograph
July 2009 Gregorian

Editions 1 Translations 1

In memoriam Henri Teissier (1929-2020)

Single work Article
2020 Gregorian

Editions 1

In memoriam Jacques Jomier, o.p. (1914-2008)

Aggregating work Article
2010 Gregorian

Editions 1

Les ingénieurs et la politique hydro-agricole au Maroc

Single work Monograph
1990? Gregorian

Editions 2

Itinéraire d'une vie donnée : Pierre Claverie

Single work Monograph
2003? Gregorian

Editions 1

Jean-Marie Mérigoux O.P. (27 janvier 1938-7 novembre 2020)

Single work Article
2021 Gregorian

Editions 1

Le Maghreb entre les mythes

Single work Monograph
1988? Gregorian

Editions 1

Meeting Islam through its culture

Single work Article
2010 Gregorian

Translations 1

Le message de Pierre Claverie

Single work Monograph
2006? Gregorian

Editions 1

Mgr Henri Teissier (21 juillet 1929-1er décembre 2020)

Single work Article
2021 Gregorian

Editions 1

Mosaïque méditerranénne : défis culturels et religieux

Single work Monograph
2009? Gregorian

Editions 1

The "Muslim tradition" of the Dominican order

Single work Article
2022 Gregorian

Nature et enjeux du système algérien de planification

Single work Monograph
1985? Gregorian

Editions 1

La participation des Églises d'Afrique au développement

Single work Monograph
1998? Gregorian

Editions 1

Passion Kaboul, le père Serge de Beaurecueil

Single work Monograph
2014 Gregorian

Editions 1

Le père Antonin Jaussen, o.p.

How can one not be dumbstruck and lost in admiration by the life of Antonin Jaussen? Not only did he traverse the century which spanned the Franco-Prussian War to the rise of Nasserism and Pan-Arabism in the Middle East, but he himself lived through the most memorable episodes. Born in the Ardèche mountains and of modest origins, he was one of Father Lagrange's first companions at the time of the founding of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem and the Modernist crisis that shook the Catholic Church. During the First World War, his intimate knowledge of the East led to his being summoned to serve as an intelligence officer with the French troops in the Levant at Port Said, as well as with the British, which placed him at the heart of discussions on the future of the region at a time when the Western powers were sharing the remains of the Ottoman Empire. He rubbed shoulders with legendary personalities such as Lawrence of Arabia and Emir Faisal. The 1920s found him once again in Palestine, where he witnessed the frustration of the Arabs confronted with the installation of a Jewish homeland by the British, following the Balfour Declaration of 1917. In the early 1930s, at a time in life when most men are thinking of retirement, Jaussen set off for Cairo where he put all his strength into building a Dominican house which would, in 1953, become the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (IDEO). “Will the Order of Saint Dominic go back to its Muslim tradition?” was the ultimate obsessive fear for the man whose life-long passion had been the Islamic East.

Single work Monograph
2012 Gregorian

Editions 1

Pierre Claverie

Single work Monograph
2000 Gregorian

Editions 1 Translations 4

Pierre Claverie et Christian de Chergé

Single work Article
2019 Gregorian

Editions 1

Pierre Claverie et le défi de la guérison de la mémoire

Single work Monograph
2006? Gregorian

Editions 1

Pierre Claverie, une vie à la rencontre de l'Autre

Single work Monograph
2001? Gregorian

Editions 1

Pierre Claverie, une vita donata per Dio e per l'Algeria

Single work Monograph
2000? Gregorian

Editions 1

La politique de l'eau en Tunisie

Single work Monograph
1988? Gregorian

Editions 1

La politique hydro-agricole de l'Algérie

Single work Monograph
1986? Gregorian

Editions 1

Le rôle de la ville dans le développement

Single work Monograph
1995? Gregorian

Editions 1

Sur les routes de la mission avec Timothy Radcliffe

Single work Monograph
2002? Gregorian

Editions 1

Une vie donnée pour Dieu et l'Algérie : Pierre Claverie

Single work Monograph
1999? Gregorian

Editions 2


Aggregating work Monograph
2010? Gregorian

Editions 1

What good news for the world

Single work Monograph
1996? Gregorian

Editions 1