Works by Ibn Quṭlūbuġā al-Ḥanafī, Qāsim ibn Quṭlūbuġā, 1399‒1474 as author 159

الأجوبة عن اعتراض ابن أبي شيبة على أبي حنيفة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

أحكام التزكية والشهادة

Single work Article
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

أحكام الصلاة على الجنازة في المسجد

Single work Article
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

أحكام الفأرة إذا وقعت في الزيت ونحوه

Single work Article
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

أحكام القهقهة

Single work Article
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

الأسوس في كيفية الجلوس

Single work Article
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

الأصل في بيان الفصل والوصل

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

ألفاظ الردة

Single work Early work
before 1474 Gregorian

الأمالي على مسند أبي حنيفة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

الأمالي على مسند عقبة بن عامر رضي الله عنه

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

إتحاف الأحياء بما فات من تخريج أحاديث الإحياء

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

إجارة الإقطاع

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

الإيثار برجال معاني الآثار

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

اختصار تلخيص المفتاح

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

الاهتمام الكلي بإصلاح ثقات العجلي

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

بغية الرائد في تخريج أحاديث شرح العقائد

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تاج التراجم في طبقات الحنفية

Single work Early work
before 845 Hegirian

Editions 3

Relationships with other works 3

تبصرة الناقد في كبت الحاسد

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

تبويب مسند أبي حنيفة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تحرير الأقوال في صوم الست من شوال

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

تخريج الأقوال في مسألة الاستبدال

← تخريج الأقوال في مسألة الاستبدال

Single work Article
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

تحير الأنظار في أجوبة ابن العطار

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

تخريج أحاديث الأربعين في أصول الدين

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث بداية الهداية

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

[تخريج أحاديث تفسير أبي الليث السمرقندي]

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث جواهر القرآن

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث شرح القدوري

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث الشفا

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث عوارف المعارف

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث الفرائض

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

Taḫrīǧ aḥādīṯ Uṣūl al-Bazdawī

Single work Early work
859 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج أحاديث منهاج العابدين

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تخريج عوالي القاضي بكار

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

تراجم مشايخ شيوخ العصر

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

تراجم مشايخ المشايخ

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

[ترتيب الإرشاد في علماء البلاد]

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

[ترتيب التمييز]

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

ترتيب مسند أبي حنيفة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

ترجمة ذي النون المصري وعوالي حديثه

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

al-Tarǧīḥ wa-l-taṣḥīḥ ʿalā al-Qudūrī

collectiveness is a prominent characteristic to the Ḥanafī jurisprudential school. This means that adjudication and fatwā under its principles must rely on the most accepted opinion that is authentically attributed to the founder of the school, abū Ḥanīfa al-Nʿmān. For that reason, it was in the interest of the scholars of the school to develop the tools of verification (taṣḥīḥ) and preponderance (tarǧīḥ) through their works. These tools are meant to identify the standpoints that are authentically attributed to abū Ḥanīfa as transmitted through his main students and favoring one of these standpoints over the other, in case of a contradiction occurs. The author wrote this book in al-taṣḥīḥ and al-tarǧīḥ as a commentary on the text of al-Qudūrī; al-Muḫtaṣar, which is considered one of the most prominent texts in the transmission of the Ḥanafī school. Al-Qudūrī's book covered all the fields of jurisprudence, including worships, social transactions, personal status, politics, inheritance, etc. Ibn Quṭlūbuġā in his commentary highlighted the main disagreements between the leading scholars of the school and concluded the approved or most accepted standpoint.

Single work Early work
9ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

ترصيع الجوهر النقي في تلخيص سنن البيهقي

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

[تصحيح على مجمع البحرين]

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

التعريف والإخبار بتخريج أحاديث الاختيار

Single work Early work
9ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

تعليق على مسند الفردوس

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تعليقة على أنوار التنزيل وأسرار التأويل

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تعليقة على الرسالة الأندلسية

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1