Works by al-Suyūṭī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Abī Bakr (Ǧalāl al-Dīn), 1445‒1505 as author 1032

الأعمال الكاملة للسيوطي في التصوف الإسلامي

Aggregating work Monograph
2011 — 2015 Gregorian

Editions 1

تحرير المقال في مسألة الانتقال

Single work Early work
2005 Gregorian

Editions 1

al-Fatḥ al-kabīr fī ḍamm al-ziyāda ilā al-Ǧāmiʿ al-ṣaġīr

Single work Monograph
1930? Gregorian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 3

al-Maqāmah al-wardīyah fī al-rayḥān wa-al-zuhūr

Part of al-Maqāmāt .

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

[منتقى من تذكرة ابن مكتوم]

Part of المناظرات والمجالسات والمطارحات .

Single work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Relationships with other works 2

al-Tāǧ fī iʿrāb muškil al-Minhāǧ

This work is a unique composition in which the author explained the confusing sites of the book Minhāǧ al-ṭālibīn of al-Imām al-Nawawī. The author, al-Suyūṭi, commented on the grammatical aspects of it and revealed its complexities. He quoted the earlier lengthy commentaries of the Minhāǧ, especially the commentaries of al-Isnawī, al-Zarkašī, al-Subkī, al-Irāqī, and others. As well, he used some nuances highlighted by the book's teachers of his time and added to them from his own excretion. Al-Suyūṭī focused on grammar so he highlighted the meanings and elaborated on the different possibilities of many terms, while most of the other commentators focused only on commenting and abridging it.

Single work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

Aḥāsin al-iqtinās fī maḥāsin al-iqtibās

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Editions 1

al-Araǧ fī al-faraǧ

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 2

al-Ašbāh wa-l-naẓāʾir fī al-naḥw

كتاب في علم النحو، ضمَّنه المؤلف القواعد النحوية ذوات الأشباه والنظائر، وقد قسَّمه إلى سبعة فنون: الأول وهو فن القواعد والأصول التي ترد إايها الجزئيات والفروع، وهو مرتب على حروف المعجم، وهو معظم الكتاب ومهمه. والثاني وهو فن الضوابط والاستثناءات والتقسيمات، وهو مرتب على الأبواب لاختصاص كل ضابط ببابه. أما الثالث، فهو في فن بناء المسائل بعضها على بعض، والرابع في فن الجمع والفرق، والخامس فن الألغاز والأحاجي والمطارحات والممتحنات وقد جمعها ملها في فن واحد لأنها متقاربة كما أشار إليه الأسنوي في أول ألغازه. والسادس في فن المناظرات والجالسات والمذاكرات والمراجعات والفتاوى والواقعات والمراسلات والمكاتبات، والسابع في فن الأفراد والغرائب. وقد أفرد السيوطي كل فن بخطبة وتسمية ليكون كل فن من السبعة تأليفًا مفردًا، ومجموع السبعة هو ذلك الكتاب (الأشباه والنظائر)، فقد أراد أن يسلك بالعربية سبيل الفقه فيما صفه المتأخرون فيه وألفوه من كتب الأشباه والنظائر.

Aggregating work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 12

al-Duraj al-munīfah fī al-ābāʼ al-sharīfah

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Editions 3

Relationships with other works 1

al-Fatāwā al-naḥwiyya wa-ma ḍumma ilayhā

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Relationships with other works 1

al-Ǧamʿ wa-l-tafrīq fī al-anwāʿ al-badīʿiyya

→ al-Ǧamʿ wa-l-tafrīq fī al-anwāʿ al-badīʿiyya

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Relationships with other works 1

Šaqāʾiq al-utrunǧ fī daqāʾiq al-ġunǧ

هذا الكتاب ليس مادة للتسلية أو الإثارة الجنسية بقدر ما هو بحث ثقافي رصين، غم ما فيه من إشارات صريحة أحيانًا، يعالج، فيما يعالج من أمور، جانبًا طبيعيًّا ونفسيًّا من العلاقة العاطفية بين الرجل والمرأة، ويحاول أن يفتح أمامهما طريق الحياة المشتركة المتكافئة السعيدة القائمة على أساس فهم كل طرف منهما لحقوق وواجبات وأهمية دور الطرف الآخر في هذا المجال بلا تعليمية أو تعقيد، فكل ما هناك أن "سائاً سأل عن حكمه الشرعي"، فكان هذا جواب السيوطي عليه.

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Relationships with other works 1

al-Minḥa fī al-subḥa

It's a brief treatise discussing the prophetic traditions and the permissibility of the "Subḥa" [prayer beads]

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 2

al-Ḥāwī li-l-fatāwī

Single work Early work
not after 911 Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 28

Ḥusn al-tasbīk fī ḥukm al-tašbīk

Part of al-Ḥāwī li-l-fatāwī .

Part of work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

كتاب السماح في أخبار الرماح

A book in which the composer discusses the types of weapons which existed in his age. He would begin by mentioning information about the weapon, its quality, manufacturing, and what was said about it. He discussed swords and their names, their characteristics, their segments, their edges, their sheen, their imprint, their sheath, their positions, their manufacturers, and the luminaries of the swords. Similarly he discussed spears and their segments and types from examples of equivalent types and lengths, and so forth. He does all of this quoting verses from the noble Quran and prophetic Hadith and poetic transmission and linguistic uses.

Single work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 3

Mā rawāhu al-asāṭīn fī ʿadam al-maǧīʾ ilā al-salāṭīn

Single work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

al-Muzhir fī ʿulūm al-luġa

This is a linguistic encyclopaedia covering such topics as the history of the Arabic language, phonetics, semantics, and morphology. Al-Suyūṭī, though seemed to be a compiler of genius rather than an original writer, but it is precisely his ability to select and abridge makes him the first to recreate such science. The book is divided into 50 parts, through which a set of 8 divisions tackles the language chain of transmission: either proven sound transmission or incorrect, ensured by many lines of transmission or few ones, lacking first transmitter or else discontinued one, exclusive transmissions whether accepted or refuted,ṛeceiving methods or ways of transmission and the fabricated. Another set of 13 deals with language utterances, then other set of 13 tackles with the meaning of such utterances, however, a set of 5 illustrates the subtleties of language. The author also tackles various linguistic issues through unprecedented unique approach, and makes the utmost use of the science of jurisprudence principles, which proves his high proficiency and absorption of all branches of knowledge. Among such issues are: the ethics that a linguist should abide by, the writing history of the Arabic language and its virtues, poetry and poets as a main component of the Arabic language.

Single work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 7

Relationships with other works 10

al-Šamārīḫ fī ʿilm al-tārīḫ

Single work Early work
before 911 Hegirian

Editions 4