Works by Ibn Taġrī Birdī, Yūsuf, 1411?‒1470 as author 18

الأمثال السائرة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

الأنوار الظاهرة والكواكب الباهرة من النجوم الزاهرة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

الانتصار للغة التتار

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

البحر الزاخر في علم الأول والآخر

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

البشارة في تكميل الإشارة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

تاريخ ملوك الغرب

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

حلية الصفات في الأسماء والصناعات

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Ḥawādith al-duhūr fī madá al-ayyām wa-al-shuhūr

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2 Translations 1

Relationships with other works 2

الدليل الشافي على المنهل الصافي

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

السكر القادح والعطر الفائح

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

سوق المحمل واللعب بالرمح

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

كتاب في الرياضة والموسيقى

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

المنهل الصافي والمستوفي بعد الوافي

Single work Monograph
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1 Translations 1

Relationships with other works 5

مورد اللطافة في من ولى السلطنة والخلافة

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 3

النجوم الزاهرة في ملوك مصر والقاهرة

It is a big and very useful book about the history of Egypt, organized by year. Its author starts the book off with the conquests of ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ and then he mentions the Egyptian kings and Sultans It is a big and very useful book about the history of Egypt, organized by year. Its author starts the book off with the conquests of ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ and then he mentions the Egyptian kings and Sultans and representatives who ruled. In addition to this, he gives a trustworthy and comprehensive account of kings on the periphery, elaborating on the important events that happened and the important men from the Islamic nation who died.

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 5 Translations 1

Relationships with other works 12

نزهة الرائي في التاريخ

Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian


Single work Early work
15ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 2