Works by al-Zarkašī, Muḥammad ibn Bahādur, 1344‒1391 as author 22

أحكام الأدعية

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

الإجابة لإيراد ما استدركته عائشة على الصحابة

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 4

إعلام الساجد بأحكام المساجد

Single work Early work
8ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 5 Translations 1

al-Baḥr al-muḥīṭ fī uṣūl al-fiqh

This book is on uṣūl al-fiqh (Principles of Islamic jurisprudence). Despite the abundance of sayings contained in this book, the author attributes each saying to its author with accuracy and honesty, and he also states the references that he benefited from during his classification of the book. It is also distinguished by explaining many terms of this discipline that may confuse students.

Single work Early work
1ˢᵗ century Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 2

al-Burhān fī ʿulūm al-Qurʾān

This book includes research in the Quranic revelation and Quranic scripts, the collection and classification of the Quran, the ways of reciting and drawing it, its accuracy and its similitude, its Abrogater and Abrogated, its miraculousness and its eloquence, its methods and its stories.

Single work Early work
8ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 5

Relationships with other works 2

تأصيل البنا في تعليل البنا

Single work Monograph
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 1

Tašnīf al-masāmiʿ bi-Ǧamʿ al-ǧawāmiʿ

هذا الكتاب شرح على جمع الجوامع للسبكي، وللمصنف مؤلفات كثيرة في علم أصول الفقه، والكتاب الذي بين أيدينا هو الذي عبر عن اختياراته وترجيحاته. يورد الفقرة من متن جمع الجوامع، ويشرحها شرحا مفصلا، فهو يشرح الغريب من الألفاظ، ويحرر محل النزاع، ويصور ماهية المسألة تصويرا دقيقا، ويرجح الصحيح من الأقوال، وهو في كل ذلك يتقيد بشرح الكتاب ولا تتشعب به المسالك.

Single work Early work
before 792 Hegirian

Editions 4

Relationships with other works 1

al-Tanqīḥ li-alfāẓ al-Ǧamʿ al-ṣaḥīḥ

Single work Early work
8 Ḏū al-Qaʿda 788 Hegirian

Editions 3

Relationships with other works 6

حلي الأفراح في شرح تلخيص المفتاح

Single work Early work
8ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

خادم الرافعي والروضة في الفروع

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 2

خبايا الزوايا

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

زهر العريش في تحريم الحشيش

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 3

سلاسل الذهب

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Šarḥ al-Burda

This is a commentary on the poem "al-Burda" of al-Imām al-Buṣaīrī, which is widely known and celebrated by Muslims around the Islamic world. It has been widely memorized and recited, thus it attracted numerous scholars to pen commentaries on it, such as that of Badr al-Dīn al-Zarkašī. Al-Zarkašī in his commentary, mentions the verse then explains the obscure terms it includes, then elaborates on the general significance using poetic examples from the early Arabic poets. He also highlighted many grammatical nuances.

Single work Early work
8ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 1

ʿUqūd al-ǧumān ʿalā wafayāt al-aʿyān

→ ʿUqūd al-ǧumān ʿalā wafayāt al-aʿyān

Single work Early work
after 764 Hegirian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 2

الغرر السوافر عما يحتاج إليه المسافر

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

اللآلئ المنثورة في الأحاديث المشهورة

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Relationships with other works 3

Laqṭat al-ʿaǧlān wa ballat al-ẓamʾān

The work is a necessary introduction to studying intellectual Islamic sciences and practicing debate and dialogue. The work introduced necessary topics such as sources of knowledge, proof, causes of existence, relationships of things, definition, propositions, logic, universe, debate and pillars of religion.

Single work Early work
8ᵗʰ century Hegirian

Editions 2

Relationships with other works 2

المعتبر في تخريج أحاديث المنهاج والمختصر

Single work Early work
before 1392 Gregorian

Relationships with other works 1

معنى "لا اله الا الله"

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2

المنثور في القواعد

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 2 Translations 1

Relationships with other works 3

النكت على ابن الصلاح

Single work Early work
14ᵗʰ century Gregorian

Editions 1

Relationships with other works 2