Publications by Diez, Martino, 1979‒ 58

in The profession of Monotheism by Elias of Nisibis: an edition and translation of the Fifth Session of the Kitāb al-majālis / Martino Diez

Early work Printed

مركز الواحة الدولي للدراسات والأبحاث، 2017

Monograph Printed

in The profession of Monotheism by Elias of Nisibis: an edition and translation of the Fifth Session of the Kitāb al-majālis / Martino Diez

Early work Printed

in Islamochristiana = دراسات إسلامية مسيحية / Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica (PISAI) ; Dir: Maurice Borrmans

Article Printed

بولس الرسول في تعليم قداسة البابا بندكتوس السادس عشر

[ترجمه كميل عيد], [راجعه عادل تيودور خوري، جورج باليكي، ناجي إدلبي، ... [وآخ]] ؛ [قابل النصين الإيطالي والعربي مرتينو دياز]

جونية : منشورات المكتبة البولسية، 2010

Monograph Printed

With Ibn Ḫaldūn in his workshop : what he read in Ibn al-ʿAmīd, what he retained, and why

Martino Diez, Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

in History Writing as an inter-confessional enterprise / edited by Martino Diez

Article Printed

in Qui parle pour les musulmans : l’Occident cherche un interlocuteur unique, mais l’autorité en islam est polycentrique

Early work Printed

L'ultimo dialogo : la mia vita incontro all'Islam

Georges Anawati, Introduzione Jean-Jacques Pérennès, traduzione e note Martino Diez

Venetiis : Studium Generale Marcianum, 2010

Article Printed

in Studi in onore di Francesca Lucchetta : Quaderni di studi arabi, nuova serie 11 - 2016

Article Printed

in Qui parle pour les musulmans : l’Occident cherche un interlocuteur unique, mais l’autorité en islam est polycentrique

Article Printed

in Approaches to the history and dialectology of Arabic in honor of Pierre Larcher / Edited by Manuel Sartori, Manuela E.B. Giolfo, Philippe Cassuto

Article Printed

in Musulmans d'Europe. Entre local et global : pressions étatiques et tendances transnationales traversent l'islam d'Occident

Monograph Printed

Venise : Marsilio Editori, 2020

Monograph Printed

in Qui parle pour les musulmans : l’Occident cherche un interlocuteur unique, mais l’autorité en islam est polycentrique

Monograph Printed

in Muslims, faith and freedom : why this is the real issue for the future. More than terrorism

Monograph Printed

in Musulmans, foi et liberté : c'est là la vraie question de l'avenir. Plus que le terrorisme

Monograph Printed

Venise : Marsilio Editori ; Sienne : Fondazione Inernazionale OASIS, 2017

Monograph Printed

in L'islam à la croisée des chemins : tradition, réforme, djihad : la crise actuelle plonge ses racines dans un long siècle de renouveaux et de fermetures : la leçon du passé, le débat d'aujourd'hui

Monograph Printed

in Islam and Christian Muslim relations / Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations ; Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding ; editorial board David Thomas and Amira El-Azhary Sonbol

Monograph Printed Digital

in Islam and Christian Muslim relations / Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations ; Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding ; editorial board David Thomas and Amira El-Azhary Sonbol

Monograph Printed