Expressions by Ziai, Hossein, 1944‒2011  as foreword 4

التعليقات على شرح حكمة الإشراق : القسم الأول في ضوابط الفكر

أثر صدر الدين محمد شيرازي معروف به ملا صدرا وملقب به صدر المتألهين, ﭘﻴﺸﮕﻔﺘﺎﺭ وتصحيح حسين ضيائى

Costa Mesa : 2010

Early work Printed

Al-Tanqīḥāt fī sharḥ al-talwīḥāt : A thirteenth century text on natural philosophy and psychology

By Ibn Kammūna, Critical edition, with introduction and analysis by Hossein Ziai and Ahmed Alwishah

Costa Mesa : Mazda Publishers ; 2003

Early work Printed

The philosophy of illumination

Suhrawardī, A new critical edition of the text of Ḥikmat al-ishrāq with English translation, notes, commentary and introduction by John Walbridge and Hossein Ziai

Provo : Brigham Young University Press, 1999

Early work Printed

The philosophy of illumination

A new critical edition of the text of Ḥikmat al-ishrāq with English translation, notes, commentary and introduction by John Walbridge and Hossein Ziai

تهران : 2014?

Early work Printed